Perinatal & Postpartum Counseling

Becoming a parent is an incredible experience, but it is also a time of drastic life change. With all of these changes and new demands, you may begin to experience an increase in anxiety related to your new baby. While some adjustment to the new role is expected, it may be time to seek help if you notice that these worries are beginning to negatively impact your daily functioning. For example, some new mothers experience distressing thoughts related to accidentally harming their baby. These intrusive thoughts can often lead to mental rituals, checking and reassurance seeking. Although these behaviors can temporarily relieve anxiety, they ultimately reinforce an unhealthy pattern and contribute to increased anxiety overtime. I know that it may feel scary to open up about these thoughts, but I assure you that you are not alone. My goal is to help you address these worries through specialized treatment that is proven to help you feel like you again.

Please view our Treatment Programs page to learn more about the treatment programs offered at our clinic, including our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), as well as our Team page to learn more about our background, practice, and core therapy values.